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Future Issues (29)

See Also:

» A 21st. Century Security Architecture for the Americas: Multilateral Cooperation, Liberal Peace and Soft Power. Open in a new browser window
   A paper showing a response to the question of "How can the United States best develop security cooperation within the Americas?" by Col. Joseph R. Nunez. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, August 2002.
» A Warning from Clausewitz on 4GW Open in a new browser window
   William S. Lind alerts about the dangers for USA of being the only superpower. CounterPunch, March 2003.
» Beyond vom Kriege: The Character and Conduct of Modern War Open in a new browser window
   An effort to understand war and the role of armed forces in modern societies, based on the last years experiences and the classic theories. Author: R.D.Hooker Jr., Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly , Summer 2005.
» Bury Cold War Mindset: Fourth Generation Warfare Rewrites Military Strategy Open in a new browser window
   Article by Jack Shanahan, Chet Richards and Franklin Spinney, 2002. Describes fourth-generation warfare that pits nations against non-national organizations or networks that include not only fundamentalist extremists, but also ethnic factions, mafias and
» Fighting in the Gray Zone. A Strategy to Close the Preemption Gap. Open in a new browser window
   The US 2002 National Security Strategy (NSS) identified the proliferation, privatization, and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by terrorist groups and rogue states as the critical nontraditional threat of the 21st century. Published in September
» Fourth Generation Warfare Open in a new browser window
   Slide show that summarizes the key aspects of asymmetric conflicts, by Greg Wilcox and G.I. Wilson for Boyd Comference, 2002.
» From Kadesh to Kandahar: Military Theory and the Future of War. Open in a new browser window
   The challenges of post-modern war from a multidimensional point of view, by Michael Evans, Naval War College Review, Summer 2003.
» Global Challenges for the 21st Century: Nonproliferation and Arms Control Open in a new browser window
   Remarks by John Gannon from the National Intelligence Council to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, about the globalization of the security environment and the implications for counterproliferation, May 2000.
» Global Guerrillas: 4GW -- Fourth Generation Warfare Open in a new browser window
   An overview of the key concepts by John Robb, May 2004.
» Globalization and the Nature of War Open in a new browser window
   The article shows how globalization is enhancing the role of political guidance and changing the nature of war. Author: Antulio Echevarria II. Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of the US Army War College, 2003.
» Matrix Warfare: The New Face of Competition and Conflict in the 21st Century Open in a new browser window
   A description of new organizational patterns and their application to war and business. By J. Noel Williams for Small Wars Journal, USA, August 2005. (pdf file)
» May the Smartest Machine Win: Warfare in the 21st Century Open in a new browser window
   Article from Raymond Kurzweil on future methods of fighting, including pilotless planes and thinking machines. Published in 1993.
» NIC - 2020 Project Open in a new browser window
   Information about a research project aimed at covering influences that would shape the world to the year 2020. Contains papers about the nature of future conflicts. Sponsored by the US National Intelligence Council.
» Nanotechnology and International Security Open in a new browser window
   How technologies emerging over the coming decades will undermine military stability while causing economic and political turmoil. The need to move beyond deterrence to an integrated international security system. Article by Mark Avrum Gubrud, Center for S
» Nation-State Failure: A Recurring Phenomenon? Open in a new browser window
   Analyzes the weakness and failure of nation-states as a potential source of future conflicts. Essay by Robert Rotberg, for NIC 2020 Project, Inaugural Workshop, November 2003.
» Past and Future of Nuclear War Open in a new browser window
   Transcript of a talk given at American University, April 2002, with edits.
» Recognizing and Understanding Revolutionary Change in Warfare: The Sovereignty of Context - Strategic Studies Institute Open in a new browser window
   The author, Colin S. Gray, provides a critical audit of the great RMA debate and of some actual RMA behavior and warns against a transformation that is highly potent only in a narrow range of strategic cases. He warns that the military effectiveness of a
» The Dangers of Warfare in a Media Age Open in a new browser window
   The author alerts about the dangers of the contemporary media age, in which events across the world are instantly brought before vast international audiences, for example, that tomorrow’s wars could be at risk of being overly influenced by the views of
» The Future of War and the American Military Open in a new browser window
   Shows how the process of developing and building new weapons, as does the process of recruiting and training new military officers takes decades, so that, leaders need to be futurists by making statements, implicitly or explicitly, about what they think w
» The Network Is the Battlefield Open in a new browser window
   The Pentagon's aim is to meld weapons systems and people into a whole, called network-centric warfare, that's greater than the sum of its parts. From Business Week Online, January 2003.
» The New Craft of Intelligence: Achieving Asymmetric Advantage in the Face of Non Traditional Threats Open in a new browser window
   A paper where the author, Robert M. Steele, examines two paradigm shifts--one in relation to the threat and a second in relation to intelligence methods-- while offering a new model for threat analysis and a new model for intelligence operations in non-tr
» The Revenge of the Melians: Asymmetric Threats and the Next QDR Open in a new browser window
   An assessment of future security environment for 2025, by Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., National Defense University, McNair Paper 62, 2000.
» The War in Iraq: the Nature of Insurgency Warfare Open in a new browser window
   An overview of the challenges derived from this revitalized kind of war. Andrew Krepinevich, Jun 2004.
» Toward the 21st Century: Trends in Post-Cold War International Security Open in a new browser window
   Addresses key changes since the Cold War ended, lessons, current problems and issues. Commissioned by the Swiss Ministry of Defense, 1998.
» Violent Conflict in the 21st Century: Causes, Instruments, and Mitigation Open in a new browser window
   Collection of essays including 'The New Evils of the 21st Century' by Robert D. Kaplan; 'Weapons of Mass Destruction and Physical Heritage of the Cold War' by W.K.H. Panofsky and 'Group Loyalty and Ethnic Violence' by Donald L. Horowitz. [PDF]
» War Paradigm Open in a new browser window
   A look into the fundamental changes happening in warfare and how they may, in turn, effect the world system. By Will Waddell, June 2004.
» Warfare in the 21st Century Open in a new browser window
   Books, documents, articles and web sites. References gathered in a selected bibliography compiled by Jane E. Gibish, U.S. Army War College Library, July 2003.
» Watch on the West: War and Strategy in the 21st Century Open in a new browser window
   Describes how events in the Twenty-first Century will test the limits to American strength but not its fundamentals and postulates that these tests will underscore the inability of technology to overcome all challenges, by Jeremy Black, February 2002.
» Welcome to the Postmodern Warfare Era Open in a new browser window
   An anticipatory article by David Isenberg, October 2000.

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