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Memetics (17)

See Also:

» Anders Transhuman Pages: Memetics Open in a new browser window
   Collection of links and essays about memes: ideas and concepts viewed as living organisms. Includes sections on memetic theory, examples and applications, controversial issues, a lexicon and a brief bibliography.
» Chapter 11 from Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene'' Open in a new browser window
   The text that started off the science of memetics.
» Colorless Green Homunculi by William L. Benzon Open in a new browser window
   Essay/review of The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think.
» Cultural Software: A Theory of Ideology Open in a new browser window
   Information about a book that explains the development of ideology and human cultural understanding through the spread and evolution of memes and cultural know-how.
» Definition of Meme Open in a new browser window
   Defines the term and explains the theory. From memes.org, a blog and forum devoted to memes, memetics, emergence theory and conspiracy.
» Meme Central Open in a new browser window
   FAQ, links, and a bookstore. (By Richard Brodie, author of the popular book on memetics, "Virus of the Mind".)
» Memes - Susan Blackmore Open in a new browser window
   A detailed site maintained by the psychologist and memeticist Susan Blackmore.
» Memes to be Discussed Open in a new browser window
   Blog discussing what memes are, what can we do with them, who controls who, what drives them and are memes real?
» Memetics Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on this neo-Darwinian approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer based on the concept of the meme.
» Memetics: Culture and Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Explores the nature of a meme, memetic theory and culture relating to evolution.
» Neobiology & Ethetics Open in a new browser window
   The neobiological model indicates that all living systems, genetic and memetic belong to the realm of biology. Ethetics is the field which encompasses all self-perpetuating algorithmic structures, including genetics and memetics.
» Structure of Memes Open in a new browser window
   The main criticism that can be raised against the memetic approach is that memes are difficult to define. What are the elements or units that make up a meme? Does a meme correspond to a complete symphony, or to a symphonic movement, a melody, a musical ph
» The Art of Memetics: Memes, Meme Theory, Memetic Marketing Open in a new browser window
   Book of this name by Wes Unruh and Edward Wilson, about how ideas grow might and power, and spread as if by magic. Read online, or purchase the hard or softback version.
» The Church of Virus Open in a new browser window
   Virus is a collection of mutually-supporting ideas (a meme-complex) encompassing philosophy, science, technology, politics, and religion.
» UK Memes Central Open in a new browser window
   Includes texts by Dr Susan Blackmore and links to other articles online.

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Last Updated: 2008-10-16 16:07:20

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