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Molecular (19)


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Editor's Picks:

» Symmetry-breaking and Molecular Evolution Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Explores the structural relationship between cosmological symmetry-breaking and the form of molecular evolution leading to biological systems on Earth. It thus forms an alternative to historical hypotheses in which the form of biogenesis is believed to be


» Animal Emergence During Snowball Earths by Thermosynthesis in Submarine Hydrothermal Vents Open in a new browser window
   Paper by Anthonie W J Muller proposing a theory that organisms can use or may have used thermal cycling as an energy source, for example in volcanic hot springs, as an evolutionary step towards photosynthesis.
» Betran's Lab Open in a new browser window
   Research and publications on the origin of new genes, new functions, and their role in genome evolution, adaptation, and species differences.
» Debashish Bhattacharya Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Our lab studies the molecular evolution of algae and protist and the origin of introns. Rutgers University.
» ExPASy Life Science Directory Open in a new browser window
   Part of the ExPASy Molecular Biology Server, this extensive list includes almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules.
» Farside Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   The evolution group of the Institute of Molecular BioSciences at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
» Furies in the Genome Open in a new browser window
   Downloadable book asserting that the struggle for existence (Darwinian competition) causes both genetic variation and natural selection.
» History of Molecular Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on the emergence of this field of study following the rise of molecular biology and the advent of protein sequencing. The differences between homologous sequences can be used as a molecular clock to estimate the time since the l
» How Molecular Biology Opens up a 21st Century View of Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Transcript of chat with biochemist James Shapiro of the University of Chicago on his concept of "natural genetic engineering" at the cellular level.
» Joseph Felsenstein Open in a new browser window
   Profile of Joseph Felsenstein, Professor of Genome Sciences and of Biology at the University of Washington, providing his areas of research and publications.
» Laboratory of Biosystematics and Plant Cytology, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Open in a new browser window
   The study of structural and functional organization of chromosomes, caryotypes, molecular systematics and phylogeny, environmental control of structural and functional features of cell cycle and meta-phase chromosomes in plants.
» Molecular Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on this scientific field where researchers seek to understand recent discoveries on the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.
» Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Journal providing a forum for molecular studies that advance the understanding of phylogeny and evolution. Provides information on the journal and subscriptions.
» Perspectives on Molecular Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Site devoted to recounting, documenting, and analyzing the history of molecular evolutionary biology.
» Research Homepage: Scott Glaberman Open in a new browser window
   Scott provides information on his research which deals mainly with the use of molecular biology to understand evolutionary processes, especially the evolutionary history of immune system genes at the macro- and microevolutionary levels.
» Stuart A. Kauffman Open in a new browser window
   Reviews of books, papers and articles by this American theoretical biologist and researcher into the origin of life on Earth.
» Susumu Ohno Open in a new browser window
   Biographical memoir on this Japanese American researcher who postulated that gene duplication plays a major role in evolution, with a bibliography.
» Szostak Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Details work exploring the evolution of novel ribozymes (deoxyribo and ribonucleic acid catalysts) from populations of random sequences, attempting to shed light on the origins of biological catalysis.
» Walter M. Fitch Open in a new browser window
   Profile of Walter M. Fitch, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, including his research interests and publications.

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Last Updated: 2008-07-19 14:54:48

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